We are here to support you with any questions about the research process and provide you with opportunities to collaborate with other like-minded experts in aesthetics. 

Ask the Aesthetic Research Community (ARC)

Pose your question to ARC via AestheticConnect and start a discussion. Aesthetic Foundation committee members and other surgeon researchers who are ARC users can answer your questions, provide general support, and guide you on your research path. Whether you are looking for input on a research idea, have a question about the application process, need to obtain an IRB, are looking to overcome an obstacle, or need help with your manuscript submission, ARC is here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who is eligible to apply for The Aesthetic Foundation’s Interim Research Grant?

The applicant must be a Plastic Surgeon, MD, DO, or PhD, working in plastic surgery, and an Active or Associate Member of The Aesthetic Society. Residents, Fellows, and non-members require the sponsorship of an Active or Associate Member of The Aesthetic Society.

How many applications can a Principal Investigator submit at one time?

Only one application per investigator will be considered per quarter. Should you have multiple studies for consideration, please choose one to submit to The Aesthetic Foundation. Additionally, only one project will be funded at a time, per Principal Investigator. If you currently receive Aesthetic Foundation funding for a study, you can only submit an additional application once all funding is complete on the initial study.

How many applications can an Active or Associate Member sponsor at a time?

We ask that you only sponsor as many studies as you are able to monitor at one time.

Is there a maximum budget amount?

The Aesthetic Foundation will consider any dollar amount should the application meet all the requirements and follow the rules of the application.

What is not allowed in the budget?

The Aesthetic Foundation does not pay indirect administrative costs, travel costs, or salaries. The Foundation will only fund capital equipment purchases if you provide satisfactory justification.

If my study involves a survey of The Aesthetic Society membership, do I need to add The Aesthetic Foundation’s $1,000 fee to the study budget?

No. Please indicate the intention to survey Aesthetic Society members in your study protocol. The Aesthetic Foundation will not pay the $1,000 fee in the budget if listed.

What is the payment process for approved grants?

The Aesthetic Foundation pays 25% upon confirmation of the payee's name, address information, and proof that an IRB is in place (proof of IRB exemption can also be provided). If the payee information and proof of IRB are not received within six months after the date of grant approval by the Board of Directors, the Board reserves the right to deny funding of the grant, and you will need to re-apply for the grant.

The second 25% installment will be paid upon the first milestone, approximately six months from the study’s start date, and when the first progress report is submitted to The Foundation. The next 25% will be paid approximately six months later, pending receipt of a second progress report. The remaining 25% will be paid upon receipt of the final report with a budget reconciliation submitted to The Aesthetic Foundation’s office. Additional information may be required on subsequent grants, papers, and presentations as a condition of funding. Grant recipients must respond to these requests.

Can grant funds be transferred if I move the study location?

Yes, The Aesthetic Foundation staff can work with you to send future payments to the new location.

Can I apply unused grant funds toward another study or project?

No. Any unused funds must be returned to The Aesthetic Foundation within 30 days of project completion.

Do I have to submit my research findings to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal (ASJ)?

Before publishing your research, you must submit it to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal (ASJ). ASJ will have the first right of refusal. Research progress must also be presented at The Aesthetic Foundation’s Spotlight on Research during The Aesthetic Meeting. The Aesthetic Foundation grant support must be acknowledged in all oral or written papers.