Interim Research Grants 

We award Interim Research Grants quarterly but accept applications year-long. The Aesthetic Foundation will consider budget requests for projects for any amount. To apply, you must complete the application form and include a compelling statement on the clinical relevance of your research.


To apply for a research grant, you must be at least one of the following:

  • An Aesthetic Foundation Member

  • An Aesthetic Society Active Member

  • An Aesthetic Society Associate Member

  • Sponsored Medical Professional - Residents, Fellows, and non-members require the sponsorship of a Member of The Aesthetic Society or an Associate Member.

The Aesthetic Foundation funds one project at a time per investigator. If you currently receive Aesthetic Foundation funding for a research study, you cannot apply for an additional grant until you have completed the initial study. Additionally, you can only submit one research grant application per quarter. 

Application Form

To apply for an Interim Research Grant, download and complete the application (fillable PDF format). Please read and follow all instructions on the application. Incomplete submissions, or those that do not follow the stated requirements, will not be reviewed until you make the required revisions. Please be prepared to include the following:

  • Purpose: A statement on the clinical relevance of the project, including hypothesis and specific aims. 

  • Background / References: Provide a concise summary of previous work. State your understanding of the available knowledge on the subject and include your critical analysis of past deficiencies. If you have preliminary data, include it.

  • Methods: Explain precisely how you are going to do your research. For human subject review, indicate what safeguards you have selected (patient permission forms, etc., or use guidelines established by nearby medical schools or those of your hospital). 

  • Facilities: Tell us where you will perform these studies—your office, laboratory, or other (please describe).

  • Budget: You must submit a comprehensive budget with your proposal. The Scientific Research Committee and The Aesthetic Foundation Board of Directors will decide on the approved funding amount. Most of the funding should go toward the execution of the research project, not toward the purchase of equipment. We are reluctant to fund capital equipment purchases unless you provide satisfactory justification. The Aesthetic Foundation does not pay for indirect, administrative, or travel costs or salaries. 

Quarterly Deadlines

Submit completed applications to by the quarterly deadlines below:

  • March 1

  • June 1

  • September 1

  • December 1 

All applications received each quarter will be reviewed within a month after the deadline. If you submit an application after a listed deadline, The Foundation will review it the following quarter.

Review Process

  • STEP 1: The Scientific Research Committee reviews each application and selects which will proceed to the next step. During this time, please be prepared to reply promptly to emails from the committee requesting additional information about your grant request.

  • STEP 2: The selected research grant applications move onto The Aesthetic Foundation’s Board of Directors for final approval.

  • STEP 3: The committee will inform all applicants whether their grant proposal is approved.


If you have any questions about the research grant application process, you can seek guidance from the Aesthetic Research Community (ARC) by accessing AestheticConnect. You can also ask us direct questions at


Directed Research Grants 

There are no active Directed Research Grants at this time. Please check back later for updates.