What You Can Support

Support what matters most to you.

What you decide to support will depend on your philanthropic goals and what speaks to your heart and head as a donor. You can elect to support our overall mission or a specific project or fund. 

Overall Mission — Help fund groundbreaking aesthetic research and grow The Foundation’s overall impact. When you make an immediate cash gift to our overall mission, we can put your money to work right away, funding priority research projects that will enhance your practice, expand surgical options, and keep your patients safe. We aim to raise $150,000 annually so we can continue to fund and support critical research initiatives, making this option the most crucial donation option for furthering our mission. 

Externship Program — Contribute to scholarships for qualifying medical students in our Externship Program. By donating to this program, you help externs get the financial assistance they need to travel and participate in aesthetic education they want but don’t currently have access to at their current school.

James Stuzin Aesthetic Education Excellence Fund — Provide financial support to residents, fellows, and graduates seeking aesthetic educational opportunities beyond their training programs. Donating to the Stuzin Education Fund helps recipients cover travel costs to aesthetic meetings sponsored or jointly provided by The Aesthetic Society, observership experiences, books, or educational resources.

Breast Cancer Journey Assistance Fund — Help breast cancer patients get the care and support they need and deserve. This fund provides patients with financial support for essential, non-surgery cancer-related expenses, such as deductibles, co-pays, respite care, medications, medical equipment, support for loved ones and caregivers, wigs, transportation to appointments, and more. Donating is a meaningful way to ease these patients' financial and emotional burdens on their road to recovery.

Your donation makes a huge difference to so many — researchers, surgeons, students, patients, and the entire aesthetic industry. Plus, all donations are tax-deductible, so you'll also get a personal benefit from your contribution. 

Together, we advance aesthetics.